Machine Tools
A positive scenario for the European sector in 2022
During its online General Assembly, CECIMO shows a more optimistic outlook for 2021, with expected production growth of 11.5% and a positive scenario for the European Machine Tool sector in 2022. On the policy side, General Assembly debated on key topics of interest for the sector such as digital technologies, sustainability, machinery directive, and additive […]
Stable electricity grids through grid-forming converters
Large power stations with their large synchronous generators provide stability in the power grid, but are being successively powered down in the course of the energy transition. In order to address this issue, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE are working on how grid-forming converters can ensure a future supply of […]
Blechexpo 2021 proved to be a success
Along with the 8th Schweisstec international trade fair for joining technology, the 15th Blechexpo international trade fair for sheet metal working met with great success from the 26th through the 29th of October, 2021. “Full exhibition halls, a great mood, satisfied exhibitors. There’s no substitute for an on-site trade fair,” concludes Georg Knauer concisely, project […]
Smart factory solution for steel melt shop operations
ABB has launched ABB Ability™ Smart Melt Shop, the first smart factory digital application of its kind for the metals industry. It is designed to increase melt shop productivity, save energy and improve employee safety, with payback within six months. Based on advanced digital algorithms, the new solution is unique in that it offers not […]
Vacuum furnace for the bearing industry
A global bearing manufacturer, has decided to furnish one of its Chinese plants with a vacuum furnace by SECO/WARWICK with gas quenching, carburizing (LPC) and carbonitriding (LPCN). For their new production plant located in China, client has selected a flagship SECO/WARWICK product — The Vector® vacuum furnace with LPC and 15 bar nitrogen quenching. The device has […]